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Bill to Drop Concealed Carry Age Advances in Senate

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A bill has been proposed that would lower the legal age to carry concealed firearms from ages 21 to 18. On Thursday, the Republican-controlled Senate voted 30-8 for the bill. It would require permit holders to complete a background check and then in turn undergo gun safety training. Moreover, the measure would increase the number of university and college students eligible to carry concealed firearms on campus. However, the education groups say it wouldn’t change current laws that allow high schools to prohibit guns on school grounds.

Concealed Carry Bill Proposal in Kansas

The Kansas Senate has therefore advanced it that would lower the legal age to carry concealed firearms in Kansas from 21 to 18. In fact, Kansas colleges began allowing concealed weapons on campus in 2017 despite opposition from students and faculty. There are people as young as 18 who can already carry firearms in the open in Kansas. In fact, Kansas does not restrict firearm sales to minors.

Democrats Have Different Views

The Senate has rejected amendments from Democrats on Wednesday. They have included allowing law enforcement to remove firearms from people who pose a danger to themselves or others.

Possessing Firearms

In the bill, there is a provision from Senator Richard Hilderbrand, a Galena Republican. It would allow people who have been convicting of crimes including misdemeanor domestic battery to possess firearms after their criminal records are expunging. Expanding Kansas’ recognition of other states’ concealing carry permits is also included in the bill.

The Concealed Carry Bill now Goes to the House

The House approved a similar bill last month. But, now, the senators have made changes that the House has to review.

Easy Access to Guns

Moreover, opponents have worried the bill could give high school students too easy of access to guns. “Guns have been concealing at parties where they may or may not be alcohol. We are allowing 18-year-olds who are high school seniors. With that, I think we are just requesting for more concern,” said Senate Minority Leader Dinah Sykes, a Lenexa Democrat.

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