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DAT Partnering Up with ATBS when Offering Discounts on Various Services

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There is a new partnership brewing between American Truck Business Services and DAT Freight & Analytics. DAT has offered to provide bookkeeping services to ATBS while also consulting for them. Meanwhile, ATBS is offering three different levels of service for owner-operators as well as small fleets in order to streamline their various operations. They will provide services such as back-office management processes to increase profitability. DAT subscribers are likely to include several types of packages for owner-operators and small fleets.

What Is DAT Freight & Analytics?

DAT is one of the leading data providers when it comes to hauling freight long distances for the trucking industry. It operates a popular freight exchange platform, one of the country’s largest. They help out in the logistics field and provide real-time analysis that creates a database of more than $110 billion in freight transactions. Their freight forecasting is usually twice as accurate as any other model.

The rate for every trucking lane of every equipment type varies. The company has various services to help you figure it out.

It’s nice to have a company that you can rely on. How often do we, as individuals, feel helpless when there’s no one we can actually rely on? DAT iQ uses advanced analytics and machine learning in the hopes of developing all-in cost estimates. But is that to say they have heard us out? They probably have. But the responses are what really counts. If you want to be properly responded to, this is the company to turn to.

This is a good source of business. You almost wonder who can handle the volume of work they have. Maybe every owner-operator, small fleet, or dealership that interacts with them has a similar workload.

DAT certainly seems like a reliable venture to seriously consider. There is a lot of hope that many trucking companies will have their day in the sun with DAT.

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