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Earthquake with 4.5 Magnitude Rumbled Through Kansas Earlier Today

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If you notice an earthquake with a 4.5 magnitude impact, you might want to be careful where you step. Because that might be just the start..
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Did you feel a little rumble today? A little something in the ground? Some sort of upset? We might tell you that very well it was the earthquake rattle that disturbed the bigger width of Kansas. How so? Well, experts are saying that the earthquake was well-centered enough to hit about seven kilometers.

This of course spans the width of about 4.3 miles, northwest of Medford and beyond. The earthquake went about 7.8 kilometers deep while holding a magnitude of 4.5, all according to the USGS. The United States Geological Survey sees it as having a magnitude of 4.5 on the Richter scale. When you look towards the epicenter, the earthquake had been about 75 miles due south of Wichita.

What wild stuff to feel an Earthquake, huh?

This had been strong enough in order to cause a ground shake throughout the city for a flurry of seconds. Citizens of Kansas had a wide range of responses to the Earthquake. Certain responses from “pretty strong” to barely there.

An individual in south Wichita made note that their cabinets would rattle from the danger found there. Of course, an additional Twitter user says that it gave their College Hill home a rumble for quite a while.

According to the USGS, the earthquake itself had started at about 11:10 am. The Earthquake was easily felt from all over the city of Wichita. From downtown to the western areas.

It almost put a huge portion of life into perspective for you, doesn’t it? Do you look in on your life from a more omniscient point-of-view, for the sake of sanity.

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