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Mazda CX-60 Shown As Plug-In Hybrid SUV Capable Of 323-Horsepower

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Mazda, the automaker behind the CX-60, states that the plug-in-hybrid SUV can be a perfect fit for specifically the European market.
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Mazda is introducing the CX-60 to the European market. This vehicle will be arriving on Mazda’s newest platform. This new platform is front-wheel drive and straight-six. It is optimized to help Mazda accomplish its goal of electrifying all of its vehicles to some degree by 2030.

The CX-60 is a new plug-in hybrid SUV. It creates a total of 323 horsepower along with 369 pound-feet of torque. Of course, the model can’t quite arrive on time at the United States, but it’s most likely that the CX-70 will be able to. The vehicle will come standard with a plug-in-hybrid powertrain with a 2.5-liter gasoline engine along with a 134-horsepower electric motor.

Mazda CX-60 Makes It Look like a Major Competitor.

The vehicle makes good use of the company’s longitudinal engine meant to push Mazda towards upscale quality. It also comes standard with a powertrain of the plug-in-hybrid persuasion. Mazda believes that it will possess an electric range of about 39 miles, thanks to the 17.8-kilowatt-hours battery pack. With an eight-speed automatic transmission paired with an all-wheel drive. The CX-60 has the capacity of a two-row model while the CX-70 and CX-90 will continue this trend.

Sure, the CX-60 may only have a European launch with the plug-in-hybrid configuration, to begin with, but the platform looks to support an inline-six engine with a 48-volt hybrid system. The CX-70 is likely to be a plug-in-hybrid SUV setup to make tracks within American lanes.

The cabin may feel a little close for comfort, but one thing is for sure. The vehicle possesses a long hood as well as a dash-to-axle ration in order to allow for the vehicle to be a mainstream crossover with a mounted engine and a front-wheel-drive-based platform. Of course, there’s also the difficulty of having to park a less compact vehicle.

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